


Spirent VelocityのiTestソリューションが、レース場での動きと同程度に素早くリアルタイムにレースシステムをモニタリングするため、世界チャンピオンのモータースポーツチームで採用されています。


Customer Overview. One of the world’s most historic automotive brands, Aston Martin Racing manages the team’s performance on the track. Every practice day, qualification day and race day relied on a high-speed local area network (LAN) to connect the driver and the car with the pit crew, engineers, and managers—allowing them to share critical data in real time.

The Challenge. The LAN was vital, but manually testing it was taking up a lot of time and resources. Doing the verification manually not only tied up hours that engineers could more usefully spend on other tasks, but also created a risk that something might be missed or overlooked...

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